Thursday, February 3, 2011

February Potpourri!

The Rigster is getting too smart for her own good. She has discovered the "Mecca" in the household...which is the cat room. She now makes a beeline for the cat food everytime she gets let inside. I'm convinced Pete has somehow communicated this to her in secret canine lingo. Perhaps they're in cahoots. She has also now figured out how to get up the hardwood stairs to the second floor. This is both dangerous and convenient. We no longer have to carry her upstairs, but now she can try and chase the cats up to their last private sanctuary. If we're being honest here, those cats could stand to be chased around a bit. They're both at their winter weights. I have a video of Rigby coming up the stairs on her own, the first day she mastered it:

Rigby has also gotten some very well deserved press on the popular site The Cheezburger Network. A site dedicated to cute animal pictures and captions. She is currently up for voting to make the main page. You can vote for her here.

In other exciting news, two awesome vacations are coming up! We are going to Las Vegas for my birthday at the end of March, and then to Oak Island, NC for a week in July. This will be my third trip to Oak Island with my "adopted" family, The Heimanns. If you haven't heard of it...then that's a good thing. One of the things I love about Oak Island is its lack of commerciality. It's very relaxing, and very pretty with all of the different types of beach houses. Should be a great week to get some fun in the sun. Vegas on the otherhand won't be relaxing at all...and that's just how I want it! I'm seeing my second Cirque Du Soleil show this time around, The Beatles Love at The Mirage. I'm so excited! Cirque shows are amazing in and of themselves, but couple that with my favorite band of all time and it should be an amazing experience.

I hope everyone in the Midwest has survived the Snowpocalypse!

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