Friday, February 25, 2011

Let's face it, Jon Cryer is the real victim here.

I haven't seen a train wreck like Charlie Sheen in a long time.  In fact, he makes Lindsay Lohan look like Carol Brady.  If you have 15 minutes of your life to kill you simply must listen to his 15 minute rant to Alex Jones.  A few of my favorite excerpts:
  • A turd on a tugboat
  • Vatican Warlock Assassin
  • "I'm an F18"
  • "The only thing I'm addicted to, is winning" that "winning" like the Cubs winning the World Series winning?  Because if he's winning, I'm sure glad I'm losing.  I haven't heard a coke induced rant like that in a long time.  And yes, coke induced despite his ability to close his eyes and cure himself in a nanosecond.  I must thank him for my new favorite saying..."A turd on a tugboat".  I'm going to try and sneak that into casual conversation at least once a day.  Preferably at a meeting at know, to catch people off guard.  Update:  I just did a Google Image search for "turd on a tugboat" and the results are not good. 

I realize that this post had nothing to do with either our life, or dogs.  So I'll right that wrong immediately. Pete has discovered a passion for Wall Street and investments.  Rigby, has discovered she is dispassionate about being clean.  (If you can't read the caption, click on the image to see it full size)

1 comment:

  1. Pete is almost as passionate about diversifying portfolio's as he is about frosty's.
