Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Coming soon, to a shower near you.

The feline version of Norman Bates (Psycho) lives in our house. He's a chubby, slow, Tuxedo Tabby named Spencer. His nickname used to be Spencer Smalls when I got him from the Indianapolis Humane Society...that nickname is well, expired. For some reason this cat is obsessed with the shower. Obsessed. I have previously mentioned his OCD like behavior and this I believe to be directly correlated to it! Every morning when I'm in the shower he gets in between the liner and curtain. He will bat at droplets of water running down the liner, stick his paw under the water stream, and try to attack me if I get too close to him. He's a nut. Most cats are terrified of water but if I splash him, he remains unfazed.

Nighttime behavior is a bit different and more bizarre. Again, like clockwork when I brush my teeth and wash my face he crawls in between the liner and curtain. He just sits there. We play this little game where I bat at the curtain, he bites and attacks back...it sounds crazy but I assure you it's very cute. Ahh...us cat people are crazy. Gotta love my little Norman Bates cat. If you miss him in the picture to the right...it's because he's in his spot...

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