Monday, January 31, 2011

Gratuitous Pet Cuteness

Rigby man handling a large stick...does it get any cuter than this?

Hey, what's for dinner?

Pete showing off his "winter wardrobe".

I know since Rigby is the new baby she's been getting lots of attention on this blog. But let's not forget the other adorable family members. Fergie is very curious about Rigby...but is not down for playing with her. She likes to sniff her when she's sleeping and bat her from the safety of the dining room chairs. See photo for her strategy. It's a spastic, paw and run, very convulsive. Pretty cute. Rigby and Pete are both entirely unfazed. For those who haven't met the Fergster, she has the curly tail gene. Which means her tail is always curly q'd up over her back. She also has no meow skills. It just comes out as this pathetic little squeak. I find it incredibly endearing. She's a very friendly affectionate little cat. I stumbled upon her at an adoption even last January in Indy. She had what they call "cage stress". She didn't deal with the kennel environment at all. She had massive hair loss and her front teeth were very loose from chewing on the metal bars. I'm a sucker for a sob story and she went home with me the next day. She's been a terrific pet. Spencer on the otherhand has a meow you can hear for miles. He will take any opportunity that presents itself to hiss at the dogs. Just walks around hissing, basically. He's very irritable, only affectionate when it benefits him, and otherwise just a grumpy little thing. His massive OCD is quite entertaining. If something is an inch out of place, he obsessess over it. Sniffs it, walks around it, stares at it for minutes on end. It compliments me nicely because I'm basically the same way. If he's not inspecting the house for imperfections, he's sleeping.

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