Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Groupons, coupons and rogue escapes.

I'm a bit skeptical when it comes to amazing deals.  For instance, I saw a post from a friend on Facebook that said "using coupons got me $600 worth of merchandise for $2.70".  Too good to be true?  Probably.  However it did intrigue me.  I have no patience for looking, clipping, finding, or using coupons.  In fact, when someone in front of me in line at the grocery store pulls them out, I usually utter a big "sigh" and an eye roll.  I guess to me saving .70 on orange juice simply isn't worth the time of the entire coupon process.  Maybe this is the snob in me, but I'm actually embarrassed to present a coupon at any establishment.  A restaurant, a department store, a grocery store...anywhere.  I do have a good friend (you know who you are!) that uses them all of the time and is much more frugal with her money than me.  I could take some notes there.  That all being said, the newest craze in Group Coupons...ie:  Living Social and Groupon is a pretty great thing.  I've purchased two of them lately.  One was a two hour house cleaning for $40, normally $80.  I just redeemed this coupon yesterday....and I was pretty impressed!  So impressed I'm tempted to never clean my house again.  It was wonderful coming home to spotless floors and bathrooms.  Having two dogs though...that probably won't last long.  The other Groupon I purchased was for a comedy night at Morty's Comedy Joint in Indy.  $15 for two people and an appetizer...normally $38.  Pretty good deal!  I'm saving that one for one of my friend Patrick's performances. 

Anywho, the only down side to all of this is that sometimes these businesses don't realize the influx of business they're going to attract and become so overloaded they can't fulfull the coupons in a timely manner.  That cleaning Groupon for example was purchased in November...just redeemed yesterday.  Oh well, better late than never I suppose. 

Rigby made her first rogue escape the other night, necessitating an emergency trip to Home Depot for a fence brace, lock...thingy.  Our gate barely latched as it was, and I think the wind must've blown it open.  Luckily enough when Michael went outside and called her she came running back from about five houses down.  Lesson learned.   It's very difficult to be angry with something that adorable.  Her Dora the Explorer days are over we hope, as the gate is now officially fixed.  Michael almost lost a thumb in the process...but it's fixed.  I hope everyone had a great President's Day, and got some great deals on half priced furniture.  How did President's Day and furniture sales become correlated anyway?

Warning:  The following is part of my own political agenda.  If you get a chance, PLEASE sign this petition to KEEP funding for Planned Parenthood.  Poor women need this for HIV tests, birth control and cancer screenings.  This is NOT an assault against abortion like Senator Mike Pence will have you believe!   If you think our social services such as welfare are overloaded now...wait until this bill passes.  Keep your laws off my body! 

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