Sunday, February 13, 2011

Rigby, this Spring's hottest accessory!

Aunt Jennifer came to town this weekend to meet the Rigster and pay us a visit. Jen being the huge dog lover she is, naturally adored Rigby (who wouldn't?!). For now she fits nicely in oversized handbags...but soon I doubt she'll be going in that purse so easily. They say Aussie's are supposed to get 40-50 pounds, so we must cherish these puppy times. Pete can still lap her when we're playing fetch in the yard but those days are also numbered. He kind of got the short end of the stick in the leg department.

After temperatures in the 20s, we were lucky enough to enjoy a coatless weekend in the 50s here in the Bluegrass State. It still feels weird to say that, after 29 years in Indiana. Luckily I'm only about 10 minutes from the state line. We went out for sushi last night and had a lovely breakfast at Cafe Lou Lou this morning, then Jen headed back to the Circle City. It won't be long until our next visit...we're going up next weekend to see my good friend Patrick perform some stand-up comedy. He's getting REALLY good! Check him out sometime HERE. When I was working at eTapestry...he'd try out material on me all the time. I'm so glad he finally went for it and auditioned. He's a regular now at Morty's Comedy Joint in Indy. This will be my first chance to see him live, as he usually performs during the week.

In other news, Vegas is only 6 short weeks away! I can't wait. I've been there numerous times and it just doesn't get old. I don't know if it's the lights, the energy, the shows or the elaborate hotels. I just love it. At least Pete and Rigby won't have to be boarded during these upcoming travels, they'll get to crash at Grandma RuthAnn's new farm! Mom and Mike will be here permanently the second week of March. We're both pretty excited to have 27 acres to take the dogs to. While I'm not exactly the farm, outdoorsy type...I think I'll enjoy fishing and getting some sun on the dock! That's Michael with the realtor when we visited the farm back in August. What better way to welcome Mom and Mike back to the Hoosier state than to pawn our dogs off on them for 4 days!

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