Wednesday, February 16, 2011

West side is the best side.

This is my friend Frank, in one of our Doctoral classes.
Well, my sweep across the nation commences March 2nd.  And by sweep I mean a violent Swiffer across the nation.  Back and forth, then back and forth, and you guessed it...back and forth one last time.  Travel is all set for my two trips to Seattle to educate the fine people of Academia on our services here at The Learning House.  I really am lucky to have such an amazing product to be peddling.  It's also going to be pretty amazing to get to go to all of these college campuses nation wide.  I might have to go back to school and get a doctorate just so I can fit in with these people.  I'll go the lazy route and get it in Underwater Basket Weaving, or something similar.  No one will ever ask what I'm a doctor of. 

Rigby is officially bigger than Pete now.  Taller, but not quite as thick.  I should commend our slim and trim little guy on his loss of 5 pounds!  He went from 26 to 21.5 pounds between vet visits.  He was getting pretty pudgy and I can only hope his Colts jersey will not be quite so snug next season.  A combination of being constantly chased, chewed on, jumped on, jumped over, trampled on, and generally abused by his little sister might've contributed to this increase in fitness too.  Poor guy.  You can just see the disgust on his face in this picture too...don't worry buddy, she won't be allowed up there too much longer. 

And now for your viewing enjoyment...Rigby fetching!

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