Friday, January 28, 2011

Corporate Culture

I think being happy with your career is a huge part of an overall happy life. I'm very fortunate to have found a company that is a great fit for me both personally and professionally. A fun thing about my company, The Learning House, is that we have an annual "Bring Your Dog to Work Day". I can't wait to show off Rigby's talent, and Pete's adorableness to my colleagues. This year it was truly mass chaos. In a good way! Dogs were everywhere and everyone was loving it. I have always had the motto that I simply don't trust people who don't love animals. I think everyone here passes the test. Another great part is that the vast majority of these dogs were adopted from rescue organizations and shelters. Don't shop, adopt!

I have Pete and Rigby's pictures posted right outside my office and many passersby will remark. I think dogs are a great conversation piece. Especially sharing puppy stories with other dog owners. We are implementing Cesar Milan's training methods, but I love hearing other ways people are training their dogs.

In other news, I couldn't be more stoked that it's Friday. This week has been insane and I look forward to lots of quality time at home. I start traveling heavily for my job in March so I need to get some hibernation time on the books. Seattle twice in March, and then to Vegas for the big 3-0. Ugh. Not excited about that one. The dogs will be enjoying a nice long weekend and Grandma's farm when we're in Vegas...they'll be getting a little vacation themselves!

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