Thursday, January 27, 2011

Doggie Training: 101...and Pete.

Life with Rigby truly has me spoiled when it comes to puppies. She's way too smart for her own good, and is learning new things every day. She is officially a master of "sit". I have evidence of this in the video below.

Then there is Pete. Gotta love the Pete Bug. He doesn't master things so quickly, but his sweet and needy demeanor make up for his lack of street smarts. Well, smarts of any kind, really. Michael's sister, Ashley took the photo to the left of Pete during Thanksgiving. He's quite the muse. Pete has always been good at the little things that we take for granted. He never chases the cats, he never jumps up on the bed or couch, and he always goes to his crate when asked. He's a pretty good cuddler too. I simply can't imagine walking into a house without dogs after a stressful day!

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