Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Welcome Home, Rigby.

The real motivation behind starting this blog is the adoption of a bouncing, baby Australian Shepherd, who we've decided to call Rigby. Eleanor Rigby, actually. You see my boyfriend Michael and I are enormous animal lovers, and this is our first pet together. I entered the relationship with three of my own...a Corgi mix named Pete, and two kitties Spencer and Fergie. We had been talking about getting an additional dog for months but wanted to research and find the right puppy for us. We had it narrowed down to a Border Collie or an Australian Shepherd. Along came Rigby!

I was off work and shopping several Mondays ago when I needed to get Pete a present for his 3rd birthday. I thought he could really use a new bed, so I headed into Feeders Supply. The first thing I always do is make a beeline for the adoptable puppies and kittens in the back. Normally I just say hi, and move on. But this fateful Monday a new litter of Aussie's had just arrived! They had gotten there that morning, and already 3 of the 4 puppies were on hold. I took a picture of the litter and sent it to Michael. We decided we'd just go "look" that evening and that the one I had fallen in love with would probably be long gone by that time. A long story short...we went back and Rigby was the only one left! The one that I had wanted. We filled out an application and planned on picking her up the next evening.

Rigby has been home for a week today. I'm convinced she's a little puppy prodigy. She has only messed in the house one, maybe two times...and already knows "sit" and "lay"! We are implementing the "clicker" to train her. I hope you enjoy reading about Rigby and our adventures to come with her! (Oh, and look forward to adventures with our other pets too!)

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