Sunday, January 30, 2011

Puppy Prodigy

Rigby's training at 11 weeks is going so well, she's bored with the simple "sit", "lay", and "up". We're going to need to spice it up soon. I'm encouraging Michael to start working on "bang!"...because nothing is cuter when dogs get fake shot. He suggested we work on "come" whatever. Baby steps I suppose. Go big or go home, I always say.

The rolly polly puppy we brought home a little less than 2 weeks ago, is starting to look more and more like an adult. The big difference I notice are her legs. I think they've doubled in length! Her muzzle is also noticeably longer. Coordination is another key change. She has the stairs out the back door mastered...however the hardwoods up to the second floor are still a little too slippery for those little feet.

Pete has been a fantastic big brother so far. He's very patient with her, and lets her gnaw on him constantly. He does give us a look of despair from time to time...asking, "What have you done? I had a good thing going here.". The cats are not impressed. Not even a little bit. Fergie does drive-by hisses at every opportunity. And well, is Spencer still alive? Of course he is. I still get the relentless cries for food when I come downstairs in the morning!

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