Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Turning over a new leaf.

As of today, I'm turning over a new leaf.  No more getting political on Facebook.  I think it gets worse on election years, but man, I can't even stand to login to Facebook lately.  I have hidden about 60% of my friend list so I don't even see their propaganda anymore, and all we're really doing is alienating each other.  Has anyone EVER changed ANYONE else's political and/or religious affiliations from a Facebook post?  Or more accurately, incessant Facebook posts?  No.  If someone doesn't agree with your stance, it's probably doing nothing but irritating you or making you roll your eyes.  At least, that's what I do.  I'll let a few posts slide... but if you're a constant offender, I'm done, unfriend.  If you're a family member, I've hidden you.  I can guarantee I've been hidden and deleted due to the exact same reasons.  People don't like where I'm coming from and nothing I say or do will make them see things my way.  

I'm extremely guilty of trying to get people to see things my way.  Not just as it relates to politics or religion, but to anything in general.  I'm a very persuasive personality and it's just how I'm built.  (Ask my boyfriend!) I was in sales for several years and had great success due to that personality trait.  It's going to be difficult to not "share" those liberal agenda articles I read, but I'm going to try.  Not everyone agrees with me, and that's okay...if they did it would be an "extreme" world, and we need both sides so we can hopefully come to the middle.  Where we probably should be.  Extreme anything is typically not a good thing.  I don't think Facebook should be a sounding board to push your religious and political beliefs onto others.  If you're like me, you have a very mixed company audience and someone is going to be very turned off by it.  Those two things are personal and private to a lot of people, and you might not even know you're alienating them.  I'm not saying we should be PC, always be trying to not "offend" people...lord knows that's not me.  What I am saying, is that there is a time and a place to discuss politics and religion and in my humble opinion, Facebook isn't one of them.  That's why I have Twitter, too :)  All kidding aside, it's great to be passionate about what you believe in and stand for.  I'm very passionate about my beliefs and if asked, I'm happy to share them and the reasons behind them to anyone who will ask.  The thing is, on Facebook, no one is asking.  You have a captive audience if you haven't been hidden from someones wall!  Don't abuse it.  It's a shame to lose touch with someone over something that doesn't need to affect your relationship with them.  

I'm going to try my best to stick to this new resolution.  It's going to be tough, seeing that it's an election year.  It's all in an effort to be the best Lindsey I can be, and shoving what I think is right down other people's throats is exactly what I don't like about other people.  I've been a hypocrite and I'll admit it.   Don't preach to me, and I won't preach to you.  Unless of course, you post something...then you're asking for it, right?  :)  


  1. Replies
    1. i have already decided no more politics religion on facebook , no more political discussion
      facebook is just for fun , while am trying to find profile picture describe this i find this article , am totally agree with u (Y)
