Friday, August 10, 2012

Lil Bub's Positive Message

Meet Lil Bub
I have no idea how the existence of Lil Bub has escaped me until now.  I'm typically on the cutting edge of all things internet...and cat!  Lil Bub is a darling little cat, that her owner calls a "happy accident".  You see, Lil Bub has many birth defects and genetic mutations that make her special.  BUB is a "perma-kitten", which means she will stay kitten sized and maintain kitten-like features her entire life.  She is a dwarf, she has very short, stubby legs and a weird, long, serpent-like body. Her lower jaw is short, like a major overbite would be, and her teeth never grew in (kind of like Fergie, but much more serious!)  This explains why her tongue is almost always hanging out. Her owner says she has a very healthy appetite and eats dry and wet food with no problems. Finally, Lil Bub is a polydactyl cat, which really isn't that uncommon, meaning she has extra toes, one extra toe on all of her four paws. Her front paws each have two opposable thumbs. And then of course there are her big, bulging, wonder-filled green eyes.  All of those things equal, in my opinion, one cute very unique little girl!

Light Saber Bub
She was featured on Good Morning America earlier this month because of her major internet popularity.  Lil Bub has her own Tumblr Blog, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook fan page.  The witty captions done by owner Mike definitely contribute to the hilarity.   He also asks for people to Photoshop in hilarious things in Bub's pictures.  Light saber's, ice cream cones, all sorts of things. I think Lil Bub sends a great message and that's why so many people are enamored with her.  She says it's okay to be different.  She started out as a feral runt that someone had the kind heartedness to give a chance to, and look how much joy she's brought to not only her owner, but the world!  Pets truly are gifts to us.  The enhance our lives in SO many ways.  I guess that's why I have four of them...  To read more about Lil Bub and her story, you can check out her Bio on Facebook, it explains her humble beginnings to current super-stardom!

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