Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Best of the interwebz, August 2012

The internet has not only changed the way we all communicate with each other, it's also been a creative outlet for millions who previously would've been undiscovered.  I know I thoroughly enjoy making my daily checks of the blogs and sites I follow.  You might be aware of some of my favorites, but I hope I at least tell you something new.  No matter your pleasure, be it cute animals with captions, funny commentary about celebs, a 32 year old man criticizing children's artwork, there is something for all palates out there.  Here are just a few of the sites I enjoy on a weekly basis:

1.  The Cheezburger Network.  What's not to love here?  There are numerous sites all rolled up into one here.  Failbook, LOLcats, Memebase, and many more.  A favorite of mine, Business Cat!

2.  Warming Glow/UPROXX.  Warming Glow is one of many sites on Uproxx.  I like it because it does funny commentary, spoilers, discussions on TV shows.  There is one for movies too, Film Drunk.  The writing is generally pretty good and so is the information.  One of my absolute favorites on this site is a blogger who writes like he's a Southie from Boston in a phonetic way.  Being that I despise the Patriots, it's especially comical.   Here's TAWMMY FROM QUINZEE. 


3.  Maddox, The Best Page in the Universe, I Am Better Than Your Kids.  Maddox is one of the originals.  He's had a site since 1997 and it's barely changed in look and feel.  He doesn't post as much as he used to on the original site, but does weekly updates on his critical analysis of children's artwork on the other site.  This guy has brought me to tears on numerous occasions.  He is unapologetic about his views on everything, and that's what makes it so damn funny.  Some of his funniest posts are when he responds to hate mail.  Oh, if you're sensitive and/or easily offended, I wouldn't go to this site.

4.  The Oatmeal.  The Oatmeal is fantastic.  Full of comics that are cleverly drawn and extremely well written fill this site along with a blog and some quizzes.  It's impossible to pick an absolute favorite on this site, as you can spend DAYS going through all of their comics.  They take no prisoners when making fun of people much like Maddox.  The one where he describes how he'd rather be punched in the testicles than call Customer Service, a feeling we can all relate to, even if you don't have testicles.    

5.  McKayla Is Not Impressed.  You'd have to be living under a rock to not hear about this, but I'm mentioning it anyway.  Olympic Silver Medalist, McKayla Maroney wasn't very happy about coming in's a meme that's gone viral about her reaction to various famous situations.  It's a lot like Texts from Hil.   McKayla is not impressed with The Beatles on Ed Sullivan.


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