Monday, August 6, 2012


Look at that smile...proud BGE owner
After what seemed like years, but was most likely weeks or months of Michael pining for a Big Green Egg, we now actually have one.  What is a Big Green Egg you ask?  Well, it's a grill of sorts, made of ceramic and shaped guess it, a big green egg.   I was skeptical.  We already have a grill!  Why do we need this thing?  It looks funny and it's crazy expensive!  After having kebabs, buffalo wings, burgers, and most recently home made pizza made on this thing, I'm sold.  Amazing!  You may even say we're eggstatic to have one.  Okay okay, too far.   I do enjoy their marketing as they list their Eggcessories and have Eggtoberfest every year.

Cook -cook- cookin' away!

Bobby Flay is always using one when we watch his show, so if he's endorsing this product without being paid to use it, it's gotta be legit.  If you're in the market for a new grill we can't recommend this enough.  I can't speak for the grilling experience, but I can speak for the eating experience.  Good stuff.

And now... gratuitous pet photos!
Rigby in a pink bow.  This lasted < 30 seconds.
The "Catirondaks".  Our version of The Thundercats

Patrolin' this yard for squirrels is hard work!

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