Monday, April 2, 2012

Updates, and recent projects.

We've been very busy bees this spring with kicking off the 2012 landscaping project with a bang!  You might even say we're outta control.  We've made more trips to Home Depot and Lowe's than I care to admit.  And we might have a plant addiction problem.  We started with ripping out the hedges in front of the house, that I've absolutely detested from day one.  Bye bye hedges!
Eek!  Gross.

Bye bye hedges!
The next step was getting some landscaping bricks and bricking in a new formed bed.  This proved to be a pretty easy task (relatively speaking), after the hedges were out most of the dirt was loose enough to easily work with.  We jotted off to Home Depot, filled up my vehicle with landscaping stones, and were off to create step one!  We threw in some soil, and decided on what plants we'd like to roll with.  We mirrored the bed closest to the house that we'd done the previous weekend.  An Oriental Lily, 2 Dwarf Rhododendrons, 2 Patriots Hostas, and 1 Bleeding Heart.  We had much more space, so added an additional 4 Azalia's and some Wave Petunias as filler until the perennials fill out for next year.  We worked very hard, and plan to brick in the remainder of the front of the house...but we need a couple weeks rest.  So, here you have it, half completed!
One of many Home Depot trips



Bricks coming HERE soon!
The backyard is still a hot mess.  It was neglected for a summer before we purchased the house and has become over run with weeds.  We managed to relocate a few of the evergreen shrubs to the back fence, and put in 3 large Hydrangeas, and some more lilies from my friend Laura's garden.  I got some starts of Clematis from Mom's farm, and those seem to not be doing so hot...they certainly don't look like hers!  I've placed some nice potted Geraniums on the deck, and tried to spruce things up with some outdoor rugs and Adirondack chairs for color, until we get the grass (or lack thereof) situation under control.  As with any home, always a project!  It's coming along very nicely since last year, and I can't wait until we've completed our backyard oasis in the upcoming years.

Rigby - professional rug stabilizer
Hydrangeas, lilies, and clematis on the lattice - GROW ALREADY!

Needed to add some color!

"We don't always lay down in the backyard, but when we do, we do it on your brand new rug"

Finished kitchen backsplash:

Finally finished.  

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