Monday, April 16, 2012

Stuff I'm Diggin'

Instagram.  Yeah, it's been around for awhile but Android users are just now getting it (quickly doubling the community), and well I'm just now using it hardcore!  I love the way this free app makes me feel like I am professional photographer caliber!  It's a very simple app that allows you to apply filters and frames to your photos, and instantly share them with the Instagram community, Facebook, Twitter or email simultaneously.  Simple, yet genius right?  Genius indeed since Facebook just bought this little gem for One.  Billion.  Dollars.  That's right Dr. billion dollars!  If you want to read more on that major acquisition you can read more here.  Check out some of my personal Instagram creations, pretty cool!
Spencer in a sun beam, Glass lanterns, Mom's barn during a storm, and Mom with a radish!

What else am I diggin'?  A couple of free online photo editing software providers are on my radar with the impending doom of Picnik closing on April 19th - this week!  My absolute favorite photo editing software since 2007 is shutting down.  Google purchased them last year, and apparently doesn't deem the community valuable enough to keep.  Bummer.  BIG bummer.  I've been testing some things out to make the transition a bit smoother and the ones I've found that have potential are:  Aviary,  Picmonkey, Pixlr and FotoFlexer.  Not one of these has all of the features that Picnik does, but between all of them I think I've found most of the features I use.  I'm very open to suggestions if anyone knows of something else!

I have no idea what has gotten into us this Spring, but we're plant crazy.  We can't get enough perennials!  The bad news is that we've spent a small fortune, but the good news is that we won't have to spend it again next year!  Fingers crossed that my black thumb doesn't come back to bite me on that one.  A comprehensive list of things we've planted would bore you senseless, but plants I'm way too excited about are the Clematis, Oriental Lilies, and Hydrangeas.  After numerous attempts to get starts from Mom's clematis failed, I bit the bullet and bought two established plants.  They aren't exactly the same type as hers...but they are gorgeous nonetheless.  The Oriental Lilies really caught our eye when shopping earlier this spring at Home Depot.  They were absolutely gorgeous, fragrant, and only $6.  We'll take three!  Trouble is they bloom early and then are pretty much just tall green leafy things until next spring.  The Hydrangeas were a perfect fit for the back yard area we had.  Partial sun, pretty open since we ripped out so many ugly shrubs so we really needed something that will fill out nicely in years to come.  We alternated with a pink-purple-pink combo.  I'm now learning that the "purple" is in fact "blue" and you can literally change the colors of these flowers by adding or taking away aluminum in the soil.  I hope you've all enjoyed (or will enjoy) happy planting this season!

Clematis, Oriental Lily and Hydrangea


  1. What lovely photos! I especially like the stormy barn.

    My phone's camera is so grainy that it doesn't really need instagram in the first place. :P

    -Barb the French Bean

    1. Thank you, Barb! And yes the barn photo is my favorite too!
