Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring around the farm...

Spring is here!  There is no better place for that to hit you in the face, than the farm.  Everything is blooming , birds are chirping, frogs are croaking, Shorty and Turbo are on big adventures, and it's gorgeous.  We spent a lovely weekend at the farm this past weekend and had some people over for a bonfire.  The Graves clan, as well as former farm owner Jessica joined in the fun. We did some four wheel riding as usual to enjoy the sites, took a hike down by the river, and helped Mom do a few things.  Couldn't have asked for better weather, and got my first sunburn of the year in the books!  I'd like to share some of the gorgeous flowers and landscapes.  There is no better place to be during the spring than this farm!

Phlox in Geode planter

Close up of Columbine
Baby Peach tree in foreground, planted for Mike
Hot pink Azalia planted by the swing

Bleeding heart with watering can
Pond, Rigby, Columbine, Geranium and baby Iris in foreground

Red dogwood with Mike's memorial bench

Short Stack
Rigby "helping" Jessica with her beekeeping
Mossy log in the valley

Mossy log resident

Train tracks that cross the river

Mom and Michael in the valley
View from top of train tracks
Whoops, we did.
Michael tending to the bonfire

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