Thursday, April 26, 2012

Derby, Surprise Humor and Guests

It's the most exciting time of the year to be a Louisville resident!  Derby is next weekend!  Thunder Over Louisville kicked off the events last weekend, but it was rainy and nasty out so we decided to stay home and do some yard work instead.  It truly is a spectacle if you've never seen it, but being cold really isn't my thing.  My friend Jennifer is coming in from Boston this year to go with us and I couldn't be more excited.  It will be her first Derby experience.  We're planning an action packed weekend full of hats, horses, food and good company. The best thing about Derby time for me is the pageantry of it all.  The hats, the dresses,  the shoes, the flowers!  What's not to love?  I almost just called it "The Greatest Spectacle in Racing", but that's the Indy 500, isn't it?  Anywho, next weekend should be a ton of fun if it's anything like our last two Derby weeks have been!

Photo by Allie Brosh
I love reading humor blogs.  Love it.  I stumbled upon one of the funniest humor blogs (could also be a web comic I suppose) I've ever read.  I realize I'm a little slow on the uptake here as she's been blogging for years.  Her name is Allie Brosh and she writes a blog called "Hyperbole and a Half".  Her intentionally crude artwork adds to the hilarity of her writing.  If you have a few minutes to kill I couldn't recommend anything more for a good laugh than checking her out.  A few of my favorite posts are her post about how Kenny Loggins almost ruined a Christmas, and a childhood recollection of her undying need for cake.  Both brought tears to my eyes.  She isn't posting as frequently due to an upcoming book release later this year, but there are hundreds of old posts for new readers like me.  Good stuff.  I aspire to be a fraction as funny as Allie!

O hai!
While doing the aforementioned yard work last weekend, a little surprise guest rolled up in our yard around 5:00pm Sunday evening.  He was a tiny little pug, and he had no tags or identification on him!  We knew he had to be someone's pet as he looked very clean and had a blue and brown collar on.  After walking him up and down the street, driving him around the neighborhood to no avail, we decided this little guy was going to have to crash with us for the night until we could get his microchip scanned first thing Monday morning.  As luck would have it, this would-be nomad's name was Tucker, and he lived very close to us!  We were happy to reunite the little guy with his family and hope that next time we see Tucker, he'll be safely on his leash!

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