Friday, October 7, 2011

Year in Review

But you're saying, "Hey!  2011 isn't over yet!"  Well, I have no more travels planned and that's what I'm  mostly's technically the 4th quarter anyway.  So get off my back.  You weren't on my back?  Maybe I'm just paranoid.

Overall I'd say this past year has been a success.  It's also been a decent year for travel.   A trip to Louisiana before my Mom and Stepdad retired back to the Midwest, Seattle twice in one month, Las Vegas to celebrate my 30th birthday, a week on the beach in Oak Island, NC, and finally a long Labor Day weekend to visit Jennifer in Boston.  I have covered this country from coast to coast in 2011 and I've had a great time.  No international travel this year but I'm hoping to fix that in 2012!

Click to enlarge

Another huge event took place this year, I purchased a house in my new hometown of Louisville, KY.  Not knowing the area that well, we rented for a year so I could find a part of the city that jived with my needs.  Leaving the north side of Indianapolis wasn't's repeatedly voted as one of the best places to live in the country.  Also, the fastest growing.  I'm liking the east end of Louisville almost as well.  It definitely beats I-69 N traffic!

I also left my longtime comfort zone of being a sales person, to moving to the operations side of things managing our marketing department.  I'm really enjoying not having to travel all of the time, but do sometimes miss the thrill of the close!  No complaints though, I work for a great company full of great people.  I hope I'm always fortunate enough to be a part of the tech industry.

Here's to looking back on a fantastic 2011, and hoping that 2012 is half as good!
Buddah in the middle of a swamp - Avery Island, Louisiana

At the famous fish market- Seattle, WA
30th Birthday - Las Vegas, NV

July 2011 - Oak Island, NC

Labor Day weekend - Boston, MA - Harvard Yard

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