Monday, October 31, 2011


My favorite pic from the night.  Us with the Pape's. 
Halloween was celebrated a few days early this year at our friend Dave & Audrey's annual Halloween bash.  This year they did a new spin on things (literally *rimshot*) by doing a trolley hop.  And hop we did!  We started out in BBC St. Matthews, which was great for us being that we live a few blocks away!  We imbibed at several different locations around the city going next to Nachbar which is sort of a hipster bar, next onto Patricks, your traditional Irish Pub.  Next was something for the ladies so we could get our dance on at Flanagan's on Bardstown Road.  The night finally came to an end wrapping up the loop back in St. Matthews at Molly Malone's.  All in all the night was great fun and Halloween once again tops my list for things to look forward to.  Great costumes this year by everyone involved... a crowd favorite was definitely "Keith Stone" as interpreted by Ronnie Eve.  Michael and Ronnie were representing two competing beer brands, Keystone and Pabst Blue Ribbon (Pibber) respectively.  If you haven't learned the legend of Tom Raper, please see this mega-Patriotic tribute here.  Another absolutely classic costume was Chaz Bono.  This costume was so dead on it was scary.  Chaz's perfect Dancing With the Stars ensemble accompanied by dancer, Lacey.  If you don't know what the real life versions look like, please Google it!  <--- There I just Google'd it for you.  I hope everyone had/has a safe and fun Halloween!  I hope to keep on celebrating tonight by handing out candy and watching a scary movie or two!  Any recommendations?

The Trolley!  Starting at BBC St. Matthews

Me with "Keith Stone" himself  

Chaz himself on the trolley

"Tom Raper" and I
JR from Dallas, Robin and Waldo

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