Monday, October 24, 2011

Fall fun!

Creepy Cupcakes!
I get excited about Halloween.  I mean, really excited. Child-like excited.  It's my absolute favorite holiday and time of  year.  What's not to love?  Candy, autumn leaves, dressing up, scary stuff!  It's got it all.  I have had the house all Halloween-o-fied for about 3 weeks now, and now the countdown to festivities is only 1 week away.  Michael's undying love for cupcakes prompted a baking spree yesterday.  These were no ordinary cupcakes either, they were zombie cupcakes!  Thanks to an adorable cupcake kit from World Market we enjoyed chocolate cupcakes with green icing, bone shaped sprinkes, and heads, legs, and arms of zombies poking out.  We had planned to carve pumpkins but football got in the way and that will have to be tabled until another day this week.  Gotta spread out the fun. 

A couple of weeks ago we enjoyed a final warm weekend at the farm and got to enjoy some beautiful scenery.  It wasn't quite peak leaf time, but still managed to capture some great shots.  I got a beautiful one of the dogs that I'm going to have to get framed.  It topped out at around 80 degrees and was unfortunately probably the last we'll see of those temperatures until 2012!  A few little surprises also showed up at the farm.  A spunky little Corgi named Turbo, and a feisty little Dachshund we call Shorty.  These dogs have adopted my Mom and she has definitely adopted them.  Don't want to get our hopes up but after close to a month it looks like these little guys are there to stay.  And who wouldn't be with a steady supply of food, treats and toys!  Our dogs Pete and Rigby seemed to get along with them pretty well...but Pete still has that "only child" mentality.  Can't fault him for that. 

Gorgeous shot of the dogs

Us with Turbo and Pete

Love those fall leaves

Meet Shorty!  Worlds cutest Dachshund
Shorty and Turbo - two awesome pups!

The big costume shindig is this Saturday and this year a trolley is taking us around to different watering holes around the city.  I can't wait.  I think it will be even more fun than last year.  Don't want to give away our costumes yet, but Michael has a pretty clever one lined up.  I hope everyone has a safe, happy, and SCARY Halloween!!!

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