Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Warning: Crazy Cat Ladies Only.

As all cat owners know, the downside (and only downside if you ask this crazy cat lady) of having indoor only cats is well...the dreaded litter box.  It's a chore that no one enjoys doing but must be done nonetheless.  I have 2 strictly indoor cats and for years have been a loyal Tidy Cats user.  No more!  I stumbled upon a new product at the grocery from Arm and Hammer.  It is all natural made from corn fiber and plant extracts.  I have noticed a very significant decrease in litter box odor, and the cats don't track it around like the clay based litters.  I'm raving about this product.  Reviews online have for the most part been positive, with the exception of a few picky kitties that don't care for the cedar/pine like fragrance.  It's priced at around $14 for an 18 pound bag at most stores.  This is more expensive than most other brands but I can tell you its lasts longer.  Much longer.  I'm raving about this and if you are having an issue...or just want to try it out I highly recommend this product!  Here is another blog post regarding it.

Meow!  The Duchess Ferguson approves this product!

1 comment:

  1. hmmm... I am strictly a Fresh Step Unscented litter user, but I HATE that litter gets all over my wood floors all over the house (it is like Colin uses litter like confetti and throws it around because he's obviously at a litter-throwing party)... but I might try this JUST because you said it doesn't track as bad. I will let you know!!! Thanks for the post :)

    P.S. I have a bulimic cat so I have two downsides hehe
