Sunday, September 18, 2011

It's Fall, ya'all!

Mom & I at Huber's Winery
Michael & I trying the Spiced Apple
Fall is my absolute favorite time of year!  It's home to football (Go Colts!), Halloween, changing leaves, brisk mornings, and the reemergence of boots!  I love everything about fall...well, except the turning into winter part.  Other than that, bring it on.  As always I get a bit over zealous about decorating.  I broke the fall decor out yesterday, which was hard enough waiting until September 17th.  I picked up some carving pumpkins, pie pumpkins, and a healthy selection of gourds on our trip to Huber's Winery yesterday.  It was the epitome of a perfect fall day. Sunny and just the right temperature.  We started out by sampling a few seasonal wines - their Spiced Apple, Harvest Blush and Trimmanette.  Then fed the hoards of gigantic koi and catfish they have - whoa.  Finally took a stroll over to the Harvest Market.  They make tons of local products like jellies, jams, candies in addition to their wine.  You may also pick your own fruit and vegetables if you so choose to take the wagon ride out to the orchard.
Jumbo pumpkins!

Holy koi fish and catfish!  These things were HUGE!
I can't wait to get creative with our Halloween costumes this year.  We've got several ideas in the works, but I'm already getting excited.  I'm ready to bring on the ghost tours and haunted hayrides.  Here is some of my seasonal flare around the house!

Out by the street.  

Spooky signs

Only temporarily replacing the Colts flag.

Ferg playing Where's Waldo


Scarecrow Sunroom

Creepy Kitchen

Haunted Houses

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