Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Oh, and Pinterest!

The Clash asked a very important question in their 1982 hit "Should I Stay or Should I Go?".   I'm asking myself the very same.  I've been blonde for the vast majority of my life.  Started out blonde as a kid...then it slowly turned darker in my grade school years.  I quickly put a stop to that when I turned 14 and haven't looked back since.  I'm feeling... bored.  Is it just the change of the season, is it time for a change, or will I just go back to blonde again in 6 weeks.  Who knows!  I did have some fun trying out some new colors though...

Repurposing a map.  Pin special places. 
So, what's this Pinterest thing all about anyway?  Sarah Richards, the person also guilty of introducing me to Picnik (Photo editing software) has now brought on a whole new addiction.  Pinterest is a virtual pin board that helps you collect and share things you love.  It could be anything from a good book, a handbag, an ingenius DIY project, to a wedding hairstyle you're fancying.  All I know is, it's addictive!  It's sort of a virtual and viral way of sharing hobbies, recipes, home improvement/DIY ideas and so much more.  Maybe even discovering a new pair of heels or two.  Or twelve.   All I know is that I can't get enough! This repurposing map idea is one of the first things I discovered on Pinterest...can't wait to do this!  I've already been to Hobby Lobby's website to print off coupons for frames.  Now... where to find the maps?  I think it's a great way to showcase sentimental places you've traveled, while also being a pretty trendy display in any room. 

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