Saturday, September 10, 2011

They grow up so fast.

First day home! 1-23-11
It seems like yesterday our roly poly little puppy, Rigby, came home for the first day. It's hard to believe that she was 6.8 pounds, and about 1/3 the size of her big brother Pete.  She is now 45 pounds and about three times his size.  She's now 10 months old and I'm hoping she has finished growing!  It's crazy to look back at how very teeny tiny she was!  She was a very smart little puppy that made less than a handful of accidents in the house, and started going to the door on her own after about a week.  Pretty amazing for a 7 week old puppy.  I was looking back at some videos of her today "sitting" and "laying" at 7-8 weeks of age.  I'm positive we had a little genius on our hands.  She turns 1 year old on November 12th this year here is a look at her first 10 months!

Before and after.  January 2011 and September 2011.

Starting to catch up.

Her Gene Simmons phase.  

The bows didn't stick.   

Playing with big bro Pete on the farm.
Exact same dog bed.  No more room for sharing!

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