Friday, September 23, 2011

Looking for a fun girls or date night?

Bored with the same old dinner and a movie?  Want to spice it up on a weekly girls night?  I had a blast this past Tuesday at a new franchise of Sips 'n Strokes that opened in Louisville less than two months ago.  In Indy the chain was called Wine and Canvas, but same concept.   You go check out their event calendar, pick out a painting that you like (they have two for "date nights" so you don't come home with 2 identical paintings), make your reservation, and show up to paint and drink!  They'll have an instructor that shows you step by step how to mix your colors, technique, and walk you through to your individual masterpiece!  Everyone's ends up being one of a kind to a certain extent.  Check out how different the three of ours turned out!

Allyson (right) and Erica (left) hard at work!

Starting to come together

Erica, me, and Allyson with the finished products!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Oh, and Pinterest!

The Clash asked a very important question in their 1982 hit "Should I Stay or Should I Go?".   I'm asking myself the very same.  I've been blonde for the vast majority of my life.  Started out blonde as a kid...then it slowly turned darker in my grade school years.  I quickly put a stop to that when I turned 14 and haven't looked back since.  I'm feeling... bored.  Is it just the change of the season, is it time for a change, or will I just go back to blonde again in 6 weeks.  Who knows!  I did have some fun trying out some new colors though...

Repurposing a map.  Pin special places. 
So, what's this Pinterest thing all about anyway?  Sarah Richards, the person also guilty of introducing me to Picnik (Photo editing software) has now brought on a whole new addiction.  Pinterest is a virtual pin board that helps you collect and share things you love.  It could be anything from a good book, a handbag, an ingenius DIY project, to a wedding hairstyle you're fancying.  All I know is, it's addictive!  It's sort of a virtual and viral way of sharing hobbies, recipes, home improvement/DIY ideas and so much more.  Maybe even discovering a new pair of heels or two.  Or twelve.   All I know is that I can't get enough! This repurposing map idea is one of the first things I discovered on Pinterest...can't wait to do this!  I've already been to Hobby Lobby's website to print off coupons for frames.  Now... where to find the maps?  I think it's a great way to showcase sentimental places you've traveled, while also being a pretty trendy display in any room. 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

It's Fall, ya'all!

Mom & I at Huber's Winery
Michael & I trying the Spiced Apple
Fall is my absolute favorite time of year!  It's home to football (Go Colts!), Halloween, changing leaves, brisk mornings, and the reemergence of boots!  I love everything about fall...well, except the turning into winter part.  Other than that, bring it on.  As always I get a bit over zealous about decorating.  I broke the fall decor out yesterday, which was hard enough waiting until September 17th.  I picked up some carving pumpkins, pie pumpkins, and a healthy selection of gourds on our trip to Huber's Winery yesterday.  It was the epitome of a perfect fall day. Sunny and just the right temperature.  We started out by sampling a few seasonal wines - their Spiced Apple, Harvest Blush and Trimmanette.  Then fed the hoards of gigantic koi and catfish they have - whoa.  Finally took a stroll over to the Harvest Market.  They make tons of local products like jellies, jams, candies in addition to their wine.  You may also pick your own fruit and vegetables if you so choose to take the wagon ride out to the orchard.
Jumbo pumpkins!

Holy koi fish and catfish!  These things were HUGE!
I can't wait to get creative with our Halloween costumes this year.  We've got several ideas in the works, but I'm already getting excited.  I'm ready to bring on the ghost tours and haunted hayrides.  Here is some of my seasonal flare around the house!

Out by the street.  

Spooky signs

Only temporarily replacing the Colts flag.

Ferg playing Where's Waldo


Scarecrow Sunroom

Creepy Kitchen

Haunted Houses

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Warning: Crazy Cat Ladies Only.

As all cat owners know, the downside (and only downside if you ask this crazy cat lady) of having indoor only cats is well...the dreaded litter box.  It's a chore that no one enjoys doing but must be done nonetheless.  I have 2 strictly indoor cats and for years have been a loyal Tidy Cats user.  No more!  I stumbled upon a new product at the grocery from Arm and Hammer.  It is all natural made from corn fiber and plant extracts.  I have noticed a very significant decrease in litter box odor, and the cats don't track it around like the clay based litters.  I'm raving about this product.  Reviews online have for the most part been positive, with the exception of a few picky kitties that don't care for the cedar/pine like fragrance.  It's priced at around $14 for an 18 pound bag at most stores.  This is more expensive than most other brands but I can tell you its lasts longer.  Much longer.  I'm raving about this and if you are having an issue...or just want to try it out I highly recommend this product!  Here is another blog post regarding it.

Meow!  The Duchess Ferguson approves this product!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

They grow up so fast.

First day home! 1-23-11
It seems like yesterday our roly poly little puppy, Rigby, came home for the first day. It's hard to believe that she was 6.8 pounds, and about 1/3 the size of her big brother Pete.  She is now 45 pounds and about three times his size.  She's now 10 months old and I'm hoping she has finished growing!  It's crazy to look back at how very teeny tiny she was!  She was a very smart little puppy that made less than a handful of accidents in the house, and started going to the door on her own after about a week.  Pretty amazing for a 7 week old puppy.  I was looking back at some videos of her today "sitting" and "laying" at 7-8 weeks of age.  I'm positive we had a little genius on our hands.  She turns 1 year old on November 12th this year here is a look at her first 10 months!

Before and after.  January 2011 and September 2011.

Starting to catch up.

Her Gene Simmons phase.  

The bows didn't stick.   

Playing with big bro Pete on the farm.
Exact same dog bed.  No more room for sharing!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I wanted to write about my trip to Boston as quickly as I could so I don't forget all of the awesome details!  It was so nice to visit with Jen and we had the most incredible time.  I arrived Friday late afternoon, and we had a nice glass of wine in her "tree house"  (more about that later) before having a delicious dinner at Dali, a tapas restaurant in Cambridge.  There we enjoyed garlic shrimp, lobstah' ravioli, salmon balls and white sangria.  Mmm mmm.  The next morning we got up and walked the 10 minute walk from her apartment to Harvard's campus.  I must say it was much smaller than I expected, but absolutely beautiful.  You can almost feel the history resonating from the buildings.  I loved seeing spots I'd seen in so many movies such as The Social Network, Good Will Hunting, With Honors, etc.  After that we caught "The T" which is the subway into the city.  My FIRST subway experience.  I survived, and it was pretty easy really.  We got off at Boston Commons, and decided to do the Freedom Tour almost immediately after getting there.  Jen has only been in Boston for a few months, so she was still feeling touristy as well.  It is incredible the amount of American history that took place right in that small amount of land we covered in just under two hours.  We saw where the Declaration of Independence was first read aloud, the site of the Boston Massacre, Granary Burial Ground where Samuel Adams, Paul Revere, John Hancock (maybe...legend says otherwise), Ben Franklin's parents, and numerous other major patriots were laid to rest.  Pretty interesting stuff and I really enjoyed it.
Jen and I in Harvard Yard

With John Harvard - Statue of 3 Lies
Very old grave markers

Paul Revere's tombstone
Site of the Boston Massacre, and first reading of the Declaration of Independence

Sam Adams tombstone

Our Freedom Tour guide, Susannah. 
Next we were off to the North End to do a bit of boutique shopping and catch some dinner.  This area has a heavy Italian influence so we ate at Ristorante Fiore.  We sat on the roof top and again had sangria.... accompanied by fantastic Italian!  We were heading out on the town that night so continued our shopping adventure before heading back to get dolled up for the evening.  That night we met some new friends of Jennifer's at Jerry Remy's in Seaport.  This is a newly developed part of Boston right on the harbor.  The setting was very cool, there were yacht's with big parties happening right by us and we were lucky enough to grab a table outside right by the water.

North End Pub
In Seaport, Boston Harbor

We laid low the next day and enjoyed a barbeque with Jen's neighbors.  Dogs were a plenty and so was a little game called Cornhole that we Midwestern girls were able to teach the New Englander's a few things about!  We had fun eating and drinking, and then was able to sneak in a movie.

Cornhole!  Who knew they had it in New England?!

My last day we decided to get up bright and early!  We had breakfast at a very interesting little place called Leo's in Harvard Square.  Lots of celebrities have apparently eaten there, but we were less than impressed.  After that it was shopping shopping shopping.  Oh, and sight seeing!  We again took The T, but this time exited at Charles Street.  We took a gorgeous walk through Beacon Hill...and now I understand why that's the place to live.  Beautiful.  We took a walk though Boston Gardens which was one of the prettiest places I've seen.  The flowers, the lake, the weeping willow  All right in the heart of down town.  So pretty.  After arriving at Newbury street we shopped for most of the day, all the while I was gawking like a tourist.  After some sushi before taking a cab back to Jen's, I was off to the airport.  Back to the Bluegrass State I came.  It was a great visit and an unforgettable Labor Day weekend!
Beacon Hill

Boston Gardens
Copley Square

George Washington statue, Boston Gardens