Monday, June 27, 2011

Just farming around.

With July making haste in my direction, I have got to take advantage of these do-nothing weekends!  (Sidebar:  Have I told you about July?  9-16th - vacation to Oak Island, 18th - closing on house, 23rd - movers come, 25-30th - in Boston for work/visiting Jen. I'm already exhausted)  We headed up to the farm for some fun in the sun and relaxation this weekend.  Friday night kicked off with a bonfire with Mom and Mike, The Graves Clan, and Michael and I.  We shared ghost stories, urban legends, and got to hear a pack of coyotes in the distance to enhance the ambiance.  Saturday was filled with catching some rays, reading a good book (see previous post) and exploring the back of the property.  Twenty seven acres is a lot to have at your disposal, so we took the four wheelers back to the river.  We waded, rode around in the woods, found fossils, and climbed to the top of the train trestle that goes across the river.  Mom is terrified of heights so of course we had to egg her on by hanging off and acting irresponsibly.  We had a blast, got cut up a little bit, and had a great time.  One of the carvings in the limestone part of the trestle is something Mike and Michael had mentioned several times.  It says "C Rush" who we've come to discover was the rail station manager back when the railroad was active.  It's quite an impressive carving compared to the rest and we were able to get a great photo of it, even though it's pretty high up. 

Riding back to the river

Me on top of the trestle

Old railroad captain's engraving on limestone trestle

Michael below wading in the river

View from under trestle

Very scenic place to be
In house news the appraisal came back great and we shouldn't have any more bumps in the road pertaining to that.  I'm sure we'll have another bump or two, but still planning on being in the new house by the end of July!  We have so many projects that we're already talking about!  I can't wait to post pictures and blog about them in the months to come.  We are definitely going to expand the size of the koi pond in the back yard, and maybe even add a large waterfall element feature.  Using the rock that Michael dug out of Blue River a few weeks ago as a focal point.  After all, an entire afternoon spent digging a rock out of a river bank should go towards something...sigh.  I'm glad they did it...but geez Louise.  A lot of work for one rock.  After consulting the almighty Google for answers, ultimately it was decided that the mystery rock was most likely a part of the old bridge that was across the river, prior to the railroad.  Making it extremely old.  Either way, it looks neat and I'm happy to showcase it in the backyard. 

Postcard view of backyard

Rigby laying on the legendary rock in question

Master griller with assistant

"Why yoo leev us ebery weekend?  We iz displeased wif yur absince"

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