Friday, June 24, 2011

Too early for me to endorse this book series? Probably, and yet...

Looking for some summer reading?  Of course you are.  After much provacation from a few people I know, I finally broke down and bought the Millennium Trilogy.  You might know it better as "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played With Fire, and The Who Kicked the Hornets Nest".  I'm only about 1/3 of the way into the first book, and already know I'll be zipping through all three of these in a row.  Be prepared for this series to start out slow, but it's necessary as it provides quite a lot of background.  After chapter 3 you won't be able to put it down.  I guarantee.  You might be asking  yourself, "But Lindsey, this book doesn't appear to be about vampires, zombies, witches, wizards, ghosts or any other supernatural beings...and you're reading it?".  Shocking, I know.  It's a crime thriller and believe it or not I have read some other crime thrillers.  (Another great favorite is Deception Point by Dan Brown of the DaVinci Code fame...I actually like Deception Point better than DiVinci Code) 

The American version of the movie comes out this December and stars Daniel Craig as the lead character Mikael Blomkvist.  The book is a Swedish translation so you have to get used to all of the locations, proper nouns, and names to be Swedish.  The author, the late Stieg Larsson, does a fanstastic job of bringing those locations to life, even for the American reader who might not be familiar with those places.  The trailer looks pretty awesome, and it helps that a Led Zeppelin song is the theme music:

This post suddenly makes this motivational poster come to mind...Oh well, it's Friday. 

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