Thursday, June 16, 2011

A little hiccup, but we are back on track.

The residence in question.
This house stuff is all so very stressful!  The appraiser came out yesterday and determined that there is no access to the crawl space under a portion of the house.  This, this seemingly minute little detail deemed the house unable to be financed.  I opened my email and low and behold - "Inelgibile Property".  Uh.....what?  Come again?  Sorry?  Enter heart attack, stage left.  After a pretty stressful afternoon and going back and forth with our (amazing) realtor, the seller is going to get things fixed this weekend...putting us back on track with hopefully no delays on our original close date.  See, my neurotic nature of having all of my ducks in a row way ahead of time still has us on track, even with this week setback.  There is something to be said for being neurotic. Michael makes fun of my House Binder, complete with a spiffy cover, labels, three hole punched papers and tabs.  Let's not forget the tabs.  It's just how I stay sane. 

Future site of destruction
I've been having conversations with the pets about their new house.  I think they're pretty excited about it too.  Well, except for Spencer.  Last time I moved he was under the bed for about 3 months.  Poor little guy...doesn't really take change well.  He must get that from me.  Probably gets his OCD from me too...if something is new, an inch out of place, has a new smell on it, or is foreign to the house he is all over it.  Sniffing, pawing, rubbing all over it.  I guess it just to have his personal stamp of approval.  Fergie is very excited about the sun room.  She is planning major cat naps back there in the warm sun rays.  I know this because she told me.  Rigby is happy anywhere and has intentions of messing with my koi fish out back...I can see it in her beady little eyes.  She's so clumsy she'll probably fall in.  Then there is Pete.  As long as he has his dog bed, he most likely won't even realize we've moved. 

O hai.  I can haz sunroom 'stead of dis box?
Whut iz dis ting?  Wuz not heer before.

I dun't care if we moves, as long as I haz mah bedz. 

And there you have an update on the house process.  I am expecting more hiccups, and still trying not to be too excited.  Anything can happen to make something else fall through.  Just gotta stay positive!

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