Monday, July 25, 2011

We're IN!

I haven't blogged in a while because I didn't want to jinx anything...but now it's official...we're in the house!!!  I had some major problems getting up to closing because the loan officer was less than stellar (putting it politely), but Saturday morning it was official!  I really like to keep it interesting so the closing was at 8am, movers arrived at noon.  Needless to say it was a heck of a weekend.  I'd say about 90% of our stuff is in the new house...with the exception of some odds and ends at the rental house.  Some winter coats still in closets and some miscellaneous items here and there.  The important thing though is that the pets are already in and adjusting to the new place.  Fergie of course hopped out of her cat carrier like she's owned the place for years.  Typical.  Spencer was sketched out for a day but seems to be coming around quicker this time than the first time we moved.  Rigby was a  little hesitant but she's already adjusting to the new routine - AND her new found freedom at night.  We are going crateless in the new house.  She's 8 months now and the first two nights crate-free went off almost without a hitch.  There is of course the issue of 3/4 of a missing sock...  I'd update you on Pete but he was dognapped by his Mimi, Ruthann.  She and my stepdad came over under the guise of helping unpack, only to dognapp the Petester for a few days.  That dog is spoiled rotten.  To the core!  Between starting my new position at work (Manager of Marketing), going on vacation for over a week, and this home closing/moving, I'm officially spent and more than ready for some downtime in the new casa.  Bring on a boring weekend- please!

I'm hoping to update this blog with TONS of before and after photos.  The house was very move-in-ready...but there are plenty of projects we'd like to get started on.  The first being the landscaping.  It was top notch when the bid was put on the house, however it's now been completely unattended for the 60 day closing process.  Yikes.  Weed central.  The garage door needs painted, we really want to redo the shower upstairs because unless you're Verne Troyer you simply can't even turn around in there.  I can't figure out why someone would competely redo a bathroom...and install a microscopic shower.  Anywho...lots to do.  We're VERY happy to be in our new home and have already made some furniture purchases.  Now begin the joys of many home improvement projects to come!!!


  1. Make sure to take lots of before pictures!!! It's hard to remember sometimes, when I'm showing people around my place I always have to say "ohhh you should have seen this before I redid it!" but never have a damn before picture!

  2. I WILL! I also stole the ones from the realtor w/ the staging furniture in.
