Friday, May 20, 2011

TGIF. The week goes by pretty slow when you're eating cardboard.

Grill master making healthy food
 As indicated by my blog post title, a new diet started last weekend.  Bikini season is almost upon us people!  Nothing radical, no crazy pills or drops or hormones.  Just good ol' fashioned low fat/low carb/ low calorie.  It must be working to some degree because the clothes do seem to fit a little looser, and I'm feeling a little lighter in my step on this Friday morning.  Still, I'm more than ready for my cheat day on Saturday!  I am fantasizing about nachos, cheeseburgers, and maybe even steak.  The world is my oyster....but trust me I'm not wasting my cheat day on oysters.  That's just silly. 

Aforementioned meal
Michael being the terrific cook he is, can make anything taste amazing!  I think my favorite meal on this week 1 of dieting was the grilled tilapia with homemade salsa.  The salsa consisted of pineapple, red peppers, cilantro, jalapeno, and lime juice.  Deeelicious.  A side of fresh green beans with our very SECRET seasoning (can't give away trade secrets) and an amazing healthy meal came together. 

In other news, house hunting is stressful.  I think I've seen about 30 houses, and ultimately liked 2 of them.  I'm truly able to see potential beyond someones hideous wallpaper, or poor taste in wall color but come on!  Can the perfect one just pop up on the market, soon, please?!  And if it does can I please be the only person that's interested in it?  And, can it please not be located in a flood plane? I'm not asking for much here.  Is it or is it not a buyers market?  

 Lastly, I got flowers at work sent from the best boyfriend in the world.  A very pretty pink orchid (I LOVE orchids) and when I inevitably kill it, there is a pink coffee cup and saucer to hang around.  Anyone know how to keep these guys alive?  It came with some pretty rigorous instructions...and can only tolerate a 4 degree temperature change.  I'll enjoy it while it lasts!

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