Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day 2011 and good news!

Abbey Road 2011

Memorial Day kicked off with its usual bang of Abbey Road on the River.  A 5 year running tradition that Dad and I have to celebrate none other than the worlds greatest band.  This year we  had some colder weather...which was unusual since it's typically so hot you can't drink the beers fast enough.  I was bundled up in multiple layers, but still had a great time listening to Beatles tunes from various bands from around the world.  It's always such a great time.  This year a first timer to the festival was a band out of Nashville, Tennessee called Sixty-Four.  They were amazing.  Their lead vocalist/guitarist did a solo at the end of "Come Together" that brought the entire crowd to our feet.  Great stuff. 

The "Pond Prowler"

The next day we headed up to the farm for some fun in the sun.  Mom and Mike purchased a new boat for their pond (small lake? what's the difference?) and Michael was pretty excited to try that out and do some fishing.  I was just along for the ride.  It turned out being a scorcher but I was happy to relax, read a bit and catch some rays.  I don't think Australian Shepherds were cut out for the heat because Rigby was all too eager to remain in the A/C.  Have I mentioned she's ginormous?  Because she is.  She is listening much better and actually coming when called instead of just looking at  you and thoroughly testing your patience.  She's growin' up!  She and Pete still managed to do their fair share of running around.  Pete always does  his "big laps" which he basically just takes off and runs in huge circles all over the yard and she chases him.  She is quicker on the straightaways, but has nothing on the little guy when it comes to agility!  Pete can corner like he's on rails!  Here is a video I caught of the action. (It wouldn't upload the video, so here is the YouTube link)


Well....home inspection over and we've received some great news!  Nothing major!  A few minor fixes, and older A/C than we'd like, but nothing preventing us from moving forward with the house.  We'll just ask for some repairs and hopefully be on our way to closing pretty soon!  Still cautiously optimistic...but feeling much better now.  Now the realization of having to pack and move again has set in.  Oh well, moving is always a great opportunity to ditch all of the stuff you don't need.  I'll try and clear some closet space for Michael, but no promises!

On the "yacht"

View from boat

Clematis and Koi Pond

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