Thursday, May 26, 2011

Offer: ACCEPTED! Now, cautious optimism.

The search for the perfect home is never easy…and with it being a buyer’s market I was able to be even pickier than the first time I purchased a home.  Oh how things have changed since 2004.  Apparently they now require your first born along with every piece of your financial history from that pack of gum I bought last week to investments, 401K, etc.  I do think changes needed to be made with foreclosures running rampant, however I think they went from one extreme to another.  2004:  “So….you wanna buy a house?”  I picture a guy opening his trench coat in a dark alley…  2011:  “Ok, we’re going to need not only your complete financial history, but also your dogs, your mother’s, your first cousin on your father’s side…oh, and a piece of that gum that we know you bought last Tuesday at 3:42pm”.   But, enough negativity…the perfect one was found after looking at over 30 houses and after negotiations yesterday…Offer:  ACCEPTED!

It’s just lovely.  I don’t want to get too excited because I know that many many things can go wrong during a home inspection.  Let’s just cross our fingers that that doesn’t happen.  So, we’ll just take the optimistic route and assume things will be A-OK.  The style, Cape Cod.  The inside, awesome.  I will include some pictures from the online listing, and  hopefully this will provide some nice “before” and “after” for later posts…again, with the optimism.  You could be reading something a few weeks from now that has us back on the hunt after discovering evil fairies are living in the attic…but let’s hope not!  Cautiously optimistic.  I’ll let the photos speak for themselves.  Oh, and one last thing!  This house was listed by “Mike and Lindsay”.  (Ok ok, so not exactly Michael and Lindsey) A sign?.....No pun intended.   It's tiny, but you can see it on the bottom abovo the phone number.

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