Monday, April 4, 2011

Vegas Vacation!!!

Inside Love Theatre

Dressed up for a night on the town!

Our big Vegas adventure has came and went.  It was an awesome 4 days in Sin City.  We couldn't have asked for better weather, it was amazing.  Mid-Upper 80s everyday, even stayed warm at night.  Perfect.  I have to say that the highlight for the trip for me was most definitely The Beatles Love Cirque du Soleil.  Were the tickets crazy expensive?  Yes.  Was it totally worth it?  Also yes.  Any Beatles fan must see this show!  They incorporate actual candid audio from their studio sessions, making a huge extravagent show seem much more intimate.  There truly isn't a bad seat in the house, however we had amazing seats.  Dead center, less than halfway up.  They really brought the songs to life, and the abilities of the performers were amazing!  I think "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds" was my favorite part.  Very simple, there was a trapeze performer on a white trapeze with a diamond leotard on, and everything was so graceful and well done.  My favorite part. 

In front of Treasure Island
We did enjoy some very fine dining at Bobby Flay's "Mesa" restaurant in Caesar's Palace.  The food and service were both definitely 5 star.  I'd recommend this place to anyone wanting a great meal in Vegas.  I had the tuna steak with capers, and Michael had the pork tenderloin cut into medallions.  Both amazing!  We did lots of walking around, window shopping, and laying by the pool.  Not too much gambling.  I did end up winning $15, which paid for a cab ride.   We saw a pretty cheesy free show at Treasure Island starring scantily clad pirate men and women.  I love it when pirates break out into song and dance amidst a huge cannon battle.  Love it!  Although, can't complain about a free show, right? 

At last...

Speaking of "fine dining", we also made not one, but TWO trips to In-N-Out Burger.  Something entirely new to me.  It was pretty good.  I already got reemed for saying so, but the closest thing I can compare it to is Steak N Shake.  It's better, don't get me wrong, but that's the closest thing.  I got mine animal style with grilled onions.  Michael got two, yes TWO double double's  on our first trip.  I seriously don't know how he ate all of that.  Insane.  Our second trip was on the way to the airport...snuck one more trip in. 

Pool time at Paris (where we stayed)

Other than that, very happy to be back home.  That's what vacations are great for, appreciating the comfort of your own bed.  We went to pick up Pete from Mom's yesterday and ended up spending the entire day there.  They got a couple of 4-wheelers so we had to try those out.  It was actually a gorgeous day here so we didn't have to give up the sunshine so soon!   Michael got Rigby from boarding around lunchtime, and boy was she sure glad to be home!  They said she was an angel and one of the only puppies to not ever mess in her kennel!  We already knew she was a puppy prodigy!  Anywho, last week was a great week and today is back to reality. 

Rigby, so glad to be home!!!

1 comment:

  1. I think you did about everything we did as well! In and Out and the free show at Treasure Island. I thought it was cheesy awesome!
