Monday, March 28, 2011

Bye bye 20's.

It finally happened.  After months of dread, reflection and searching for the perfect anti-aging cream.  It finally happened.  Saturday I turned 30.  3-0.  My 20s were such an amazing decade.  Honestly, one that seemed to span forever!  College, starting a career, going back to school for minute, so many life lessons and growth.  The good news is that I didn't turn into a pumpkin or instantly get grey hair.  Michael and I spent a pretty relaxing weekend up at the farm with the dogs, and then had a nice birthday dinner with Dad and Sharon yesterday.  All in all, nothing to complain about!  Now the real party begins this Wednesday when we take off for Vegas to "soften the blow".  I'm looking forward to seeing Sara, and ringing in 30 together!  (She turns 30 Saturday...glad to know someone isn't far behind) 

Pete sunning himself
Rigby is still getting some pretty severe motion sickness.  Although this time it was contained ahead of time.  We'll be so happy when she grows out of this.  We've read that puppies ears aren't fully developed and can cause this for up to one year of age.  We left Pete with Mom and Mike for the week since we'll be gone.  Something tells me he'll be spoiled rotten and not want to come home!  Rigby is going to be boarded since a 4 month old Aussie is a bit too much to handle for them right now. 

2 inches of snow Sunday

80 degrees last week

I'm not sure what exactly is happening with this weather.  Last week it was 80, this weekend it snowed 2 inches.  No wonder everyone is sick!  I'm more than ready for Spring and already have 6 pots of pansies planted.  Nothing like that first day that you can drive around with your sunroof open and the windows down. 

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