Thursday, March 17, 2011

Top O' the Mornin' to ya!

Michael and I at my friend Ginger's St. Patty's party.
Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!  It's so nice to be back home and more importantly, see some sunshine!  Seattle was great, and I got to spend some time with my friend Dee that moved away five years ago.  I even brought a little of Seattle back to the midwest!  I purchased some Jumbo Grillable Scampi, and Jumbo Scallops for us to take up to the farm this weekend and grill out.  I have to admit I was little hesitant about traveling back with seafood...especially when that seafood was in the same suitcase as my clothes.  However, they wrap it up quite nicely in dry ice and guarantee it will be fine for 72 hours.  It's safely at home in our fridge now.  I even did a little bit of work when I was out there.  Learning House had a great conference and I spoke with several great schools. 

"Hi, I'm going to barf in t minus 2 minutes." - Rigby
Rigby looked about twice as big as she did when I left.  I swear she's going to end up the size of a small horse!  She's so clumsy right now, she has no idea how big she's gotten.  We've also discovered she has some serious car sickness.  We drove up to the farm last weekend to see Mom and Mike on their second night back in the Hoosier state, and were hoping to successfully take the dogs with us.  That didn't go as planned.  Poor thing.  I looked back at her several times and she started to drool quite a lot, ulitimately getting that "shoe string" drool coming out of both sides.  I knew we were in trouble.  She looked at me with those big, sad eyes.  About 2 minutes later all the food she had for dinner was now in Michael's brand new back seat.  We were stuck in rush hour traffic, and had absolutely nothing to clean it up with.  And...the smell.  Poor Michael had to take his shirt off and we used his undershirt to clean up the mess.  It's kind of funny looking back on it now...but I can assure you neither of us were laughing at the time.  We had to exit the interstate, clean the car up, and head back to Indiana...sans the dogs this time.  Ahhhh, adventures in pet ownership. 

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