Monday, August 29, 2011


Thanks to Clear Cut Lawn Solutions we now have a yard that no longer resembles a jungle!  These guys were great.  They came earlier than expected, and absolutely exceeded my expectations.  Check it out!

We've had a "when it rains it pours" scenario going on with the house in the last couple of weeks.  First after our power having been out for over 48 hours, the central A/C wouldn't come back on. Awesome.  The great part was that the seller purchased a warranty for the home.  We had to pay to file the claim but ended up getting that fixed about a week later.  A week with no A/C in August feels like a year, trust me.  Thank goodness we could seek the basement for some refuge!  In the upper 90s though, it was even getting toasty down there! 

Amidst our string of bad luck, our pride and joy - the koi pond - even took a hit.  After Michael put blood, sweat and tears into that puppy, the pump broke.  Naturally this was after we'd adopted a school of 7 koi fish!  The clock was ticking for oxygenated water so we had to act fast!  After numerous trips to Aquatic Escapes and completely destroying the pond all over again, we have a new pump and filter.  Whoever initially created this pond had absolutely no idea what they were doing.  The filter was inaccessible (a problem since it needs changed every 3 months!) the waterfall canister was buried (shakes head?) and half of the pond was actually being wasted by that.  It's not much to look at right now, but check out the fish during chow time.  (Click to view full size)

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