Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Completely Unsolicited Reviews.

After over a year of complaining about Blogger's horrible HTML editor/interface....they unveil a new one today!  I'm trying it out for the first time right now, and so far so good.  I only have used it because it's tied in with my entire Google world.  Gmail, iGoogle, Picasa, all that jazz.  I still think WordPress is the superior product despite my love for all things Google.  One thing I'm particularly fond of so far is the frozen pane one on the top of the HTML editor.  Nice not having to scroll up.  It also has an overall cleaner look.  Since I'm reviewing this blogging platform why not give you my unsolicited opinion on all sorts of other things today?!


Sons of Anarchy
Network:  FX
Grade: A
This crime drama starting in 2008 on FX has proven to be one of the best TV shows I've watched in quite some time.  Set in northern California it follows an outlaw biker gang through many events.  It will pull you into this subculture with its outstanding cast, my favorite being Katey Sagal, that we all know from Married With Children.  She portrays the matriarch, Gemma Teller, in such a captivating way that it's hard to turn away.  If she hasn't won an award for this role, then she's been robbed.  If you are looking for something new to order from Netflix you can't go wrong with this show.


The Millenium Trilogy
Author:  Stiegg Larsson
Grade:  A
I'm almost finished with the Stieg Larsson series, The Millennium Trilogy.   I wasn't premature in endorsing these books in a previous post, because they have absolutely lived up to the hype.  If you're itching for a terrfic crime/thriller pick up these books. on your eReaders!  It follows a socially inept, but genius young woman named Lisbeth Salander.  Lisbeth is one of the strongest and most uniquely portrayed female leads I've yet to read in a novel.  It's unreal to me that she was created from a male's point of view.  I've also watched the first two Swedish films.  As with any film you can expect a lot to be left out, yet Noomi Rapace has this character so down pat it makes up for everything.  The American actress that takes on this role has huge shoes to fill. 

Breaking Bad
Network:  AMC
Grade:  A
Ok ok.  So maybe I'm being a little lenient on my grading since I'm giving everyone "A's", but I'm only reviewing awesome things today!  Breaking Bad is about a high school chemistry teacher turned mega-drug lord.  I can't say much because of so many spoilers with this show, however Bryan Cranston stars as Walter White aka, "Heisenberg".  The transformation of this character from meek, beat down chemistry teacher to AK toting drug lord is amazing.  We're in the middle of Season 4 and have yet to be disappointed by the writing, acting and direction of the show.

Maker:  Merial
Grade:  F-
I know it's been a difficult summer for bugs.  I have heard numerous people complain about ants, spiders, and fleas.  When you have pets you have to assume you're going to encounter fleas at some point in your lifetime...but when you pay an arm and leg for a product that is supposed to be the best on the market you expect results.  We've recently switched the pets over from this product based on lack of performance, read:  fleas.  If I was buying some over-the-counter $10 product I'd expect as much.  However, when I'm going to the vet and pay upwards of $200 for flea protection I expect something that works.  We've recently turned to other measures and are seeing better results, read:  no fleas.

Cerca de 2009
Something I'm really looking forward to is my Labor Day trip to Boston to see my kindred spirit Jennifer.  First I moved, then she moved, and quality time sure is hard to come by these days.  I am leaving Friday and spending a long Labor Day weekend out in Boston!  I can't wait to take my first trip to The Cape, and catch up on all I've missed.  We used to commute to and from work together everyday, sit by each other AT work, and hang out on top of that.  I think going from 50+ hours a week together to zero has been rough!

Now that I've given my .02 on things you may or may not care about... I actually do more than just watch TV shows and read fiction.  See!

The living room is finished!

The basement is finished!  Sort of...

Kitchen:  FINISHED!

Different view

Guest Bath

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