Monday, March 28, 2011

Bye bye 20's.

It finally happened.  After months of dread, reflection and searching for the perfect anti-aging cream.  It finally happened.  Saturday I turned 30.  3-0.  My 20s were such an amazing decade.  Honestly, one that seemed to span forever!  College, starting a career, going back to school for minute, so many life lessons and growth.  The good news is that I didn't turn into a pumpkin or instantly get grey hair.  Michael and I spent a pretty relaxing weekend up at the farm with the dogs, and then had a nice birthday dinner with Dad and Sharon yesterday.  All in all, nothing to complain about!  Now the real party begins this Wednesday when we take off for Vegas to "soften the blow".  I'm looking forward to seeing Sara, and ringing in 30 together!  (She turns 30 Saturday...glad to know someone isn't far behind) 

Pete sunning himself
Rigby is still getting some pretty severe motion sickness.  Although this time it was contained ahead of time.  We'll be so happy when she grows out of this.  We've read that puppies ears aren't fully developed and can cause this for up to one year of age.  We left Pete with Mom and Mike for the week since we'll be gone.  Something tells me he'll be spoiled rotten and not want to come home!  Rigby is going to be boarded since a 4 month old Aussie is a bit too much to handle for them right now. 

2 inches of snow Sunday

80 degrees last week

I'm not sure what exactly is happening with this weather.  Last week it was 80, this weekend it snowed 2 inches.  No wonder everyone is sick!  I'm more than ready for Spring and already have 6 pots of pansies planted.  Nothing like that first day that you can drive around with your sunroof open and the windows down. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Rigby and Pete, out of their urban elements.

Rigby "helping".
This past weekend was Rigby and Pete's first adventure to Mom and Mike's new farm in southern Indiana.  I mentioned the bout with motion sickness she had last attempt...and while she at least waited until she was out of the car this trip to barf up her entire dinner, it wasn't completely without folly.  Michael had read online that if you give a puppy something sweet prior to a trip it will help with the sickness.  I suppose it sort of worked.  Pete never wanting to be given the short end of the gummy worm...had to have one too.  Well, apparently gummy worms aren't on his Zagat's Doggie Guide to Food because he made a huge mess in Michael's back seat.  This poor's been through so much in the month he's had it.  At least leather cleans up nicely :)

Once we got there all was well in the world again and we snuck in some fishing, the dogs got to run off leash, and we dined on seafood I brought back from Washington.  It was a beautiful spring day and we got to enjoy some fun in the sun.  The house is shaping up and most boxes are unpacked after just a week.  I suppose when you're retired you can do those sorts of things.  Rigby did try to jump off the dock a few times, but was quickly caught and detained with a leash.  Pete's new nickname is "Dora the Explorer" because he has this new sense of automony I haven't seen before.  He even jumped in the pond!  After we returned home the dogs were absolutely exhausted.  I'm sure they will have plenty more farm adventures this coming summer.  

We are just gearing up for our Vegas trip next week, and hoping to win big!  Yeah, right.  At least I can ring in 30 in style.  Ugh, 30.  Anyway, I have 4 good days left in my 20s...going to make the best of them!    

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Top O' the Mornin' to ya!

Michael and I at my friend Ginger's St. Patty's party.
Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!  It's so nice to be back home and more importantly, see some sunshine!  Seattle was great, and I got to spend some time with my friend Dee that moved away five years ago.  I even brought a little of Seattle back to the midwest!  I purchased some Jumbo Grillable Scampi, and Jumbo Scallops for us to take up to the farm this weekend and grill out.  I have to admit I was little hesitant about traveling back with seafood...especially when that seafood was in the same suitcase as my clothes.  However, they wrap it up quite nicely in dry ice and guarantee it will be fine for 72 hours.  It's safely at home in our fridge now.  I even did a little bit of work when I was out there.  Learning House had a great conference and I spoke with several great schools. 

"Hi, I'm going to barf in t minus 2 minutes." - Rigby
Rigby looked about twice as big as she did when I left.  I swear she's going to end up the size of a small horse!  She's so clumsy right now, she has no idea how big she's gotten.  We've also discovered she has some serious car sickness.  We drove up to the farm last weekend to see Mom and Mike on their second night back in the Hoosier state, and were hoping to successfully take the dogs with us.  That didn't go as planned.  Poor thing.  I looked back at her several times and she started to drool quite a lot, ulitimately getting that "shoe string" drool coming out of both sides.  I knew we were in trouble.  She looked at me with those big, sad eyes.  About 2 minutes later all the food she had for dinner was now in Michael's brand new back seat.  We were stuck in rush hour traffic, and had absolutely nothing to clean it up with.  And...the smell.  Poor Michael had to take his shirt off and we used his undershirt to clean up the mess.  It's kind of funny looking back on it now...but I can assure you neither of us were laughing at the time.  We had to exit the interstate, clean the car up, and head back to Indiana...sans the dogs this time.  Ahhhh, adventures in pet ownership. 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Cultural Observations

Me at the famous Fish Market
Skyline driving away from the city
Fish Throwers!
Mount Rainier Brewery
When traveling alone I think it's easy to jump into "people watch" mode.  In my latest trip to Seattle I arrived at around 7pm PST, and needed to take the hotel shuttle to my hotel.  Also waiting for the shuttle along with a few other individuals was a group of young Japanese girls, maybe 8 or so of them.  They looked to be early twenties, and traveling for fun as they had numerous shopping bags and were appearing to have a very fun time.  (I knew they were Japanese as I heard one of them answer her phone "Mush Mush").  They were the first to board, and took up the first several rows on one side of the shuttle.  I boarded next, sitting a few rows back on the opposite side.  The shuttle was filling up pretty quickly, and the only rows that remained were in the very back.  Last to board was a group of 3 elderly women and their younger grandson, one of them was extremely frail and needed assistance stepping up.  I watched the group of Japanese girls immediately rise as a group, and offer up their seats to the women.  Without looking at one another, without any word at all, the entire group of these girls got up and moved to the back of the shuttle.  I'm not sure why this struck such a chord with me, but it occurred to me that very few, if any American kids would've done this.  Or done so immediately and without conferring as a group.  The grandson, who looked to be around 12, didn't even look back.  He boarded before them and sprinted to the back of the bus without a glance.  I then pondered the cultural differences all the way back to the hotel.  It was so apparent that different values had been instilled in these girls.  I know Asian culture places great emphasis on respecting your elders, but what impressed me the most is these girls were in a different country, and none of "their" elders were around.  I then had a conversation with Michael about what had happened later that night.  I think so many American kids have a sense of entitlement and are for lack of a better word, punks.  A lot of parents turn a blind eye to it, making matters worse.  I'm not sure when it happened.  I don't remember being a punk, I don't remember any of my friends being punks growing up.  I feel like somewhere in the last 20 years something has culturally shifted for the worse  in this country.

Rigby the reindeer, hanging with Dad
Pete using his toy as a pillow
On a brighter note, I had a terrific time in Seattle meeting new colleges and universities.  I got to experience the nightlife in downtown Seattle and go to the famous Market along the bay.  It was a neat experience seeing them throw the fish, very lively.  The geography in Washington is absolutely beautiful.  I don't think I would enjoy the climate, but the mountains, trees, and air is amazing.   I am excited to go back next week and spend some time with a long lost friend that moved there about 5 years ago.  I'll still be working, but have plans to see her one night.  I'm looking to enjoying more local fare.  I was also very happy to get back home and see Michael and the pets.  I think Rigby has again doubled in size.  Her legs are getting so long, she looks like a reindeer!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

An update through pictures.

Absolutely love this pic of Vegas - 4 weeks and counting!
Trying to pull in orange from the kitchen and dining room.
New living room rug that I could not be more excited about. 
Michael's new ride.  Acura TL.
Rigby is officially bigger than Pete.
Less than impressed with what I'm doing.