Monday, December 10, 2012

Brilliant Insight from an Irishman

Very interesting and honest look at how people from foreign countries, specifically Ireland in this post, view us as Americans.  I can honestly say the only thing I didn't agree with was the part about smiling.  I love smiling and being smiled at.  That was one of the very few things I didn't like about Europe, although I do see his point about them losing meaning.  Sort of a long list, but well worth a read even if you haven't traveled outside the U.S.!

"17 Cultural Reasons Why this European Never Wants to Live in America"

Most of his perspective is spot on.  For me, especially #11, Religious Americans.  It's one of the things I adored about Europe and despise about America!  I used to have a little saying at a previous company. I had a coworker that had to insert "Jesus" into every conversation.  I finally got fed up and said "You need to keep your Jesus in your pocket".  I wanted to hear about that as much as he wanted to hear the facts we currently have about how our universe was ACTUALLY created...  Anyway, I'm off topic but read the post :)

"11. Religious Americans
Look – I grew up in a religious town in Ireland, went to an all boys Catholic school, and some of my friends in Europe are religious. Even if I’m not religious myself, it’s up to everyone to decide what they believe in. I find religious people in Europe to be NORMAL – it’s a spiritual thing, or something they tend to keep to themselves, and are very modern people with a great balance of religion and modernism.
But I can’t stand certain Christian affiliations of religious Americans. It’s Jesus this and Jesus that all the bloody time. You really can’t have a normal conversation with them. It’s in your face religion, and they replace hard science with scripture in the classroom. They really need to tone it down."

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