Tuesday, December 4, 2012

And Then, There Were Five.

It's probably no surprise I snuck another little furry critter on here with no announcement!  With all of the negativity of the election this year, and America being a seemingly divided and angry place, I/we needed to do something positive!  Both for the world, and for ourselves. Think globally, act locally I always say. With room in our hearts and in our home, we adopted 2 year old Tucker, a 4 pound Pomeranian.  Tucker was left at a no-kill shelter by a family that claimed to have moved to a place they could no longer have pets.  He wasn't neutered (is now), wasn't regularly groomed, and in my opinion wasn't very well cared for.  I understand people go through hard times, but how can you leave your family member?  Animals are my passion and I want to do anything I can to help those who cannot help themselves.  Tucker has been with us since November 10th, and has already brought immense joy into the house!  So worried we'd disrupt our perfect harmony of pets that all got along, that was quickly dispelled as little Tuck fit right in.  He seemed fine with the cats, and wasn't skittish of either dog.  Just made himself right at home, actually.

He is such a hoot with a big personality.  For four pounds thirteen ounces, he packs a punch in that little package.  He is just so loving!  He wants to be with you, play and cuddle all the time.  He makes the most adorable noises when he's playing, which to me sound exactly like the squirrel, Scrat, from the movie Ice Age.  This is our first Toy Breed of dog, but I'm sold.  Toy breed's are all have been bred to be strictly companion animals and it truly shows.  This little guys is my buddy!  I might be biased, but he's probably the best dog ever :)  Since no one wants to read about nothing but Tucker 24/7, I'm posting all of his pictures and cute videos for other Pomeranian Enthusiasts like myself (I am a crazy Pom lady with way too much time on her hands) on his own page.  However, please keep in mind that we RESCUED Tucker, and did not buy or get from any breeder.  Please always consider rescue first, there are many great pure bred dogs that need homes from rescues.  We are proof of that!  The fact is, that when you adopt a pet from a rescue you save TWO lives.  The life of the pet you adopt, and you've made the space for the shelter to bring in and help one more animal.  We have five wonderful fur kids and they are all from a rescue or humane society.  Welcome to your new home, Tucker!

Tucker's hobbies include...

Watching TV

Chillin' with his homeboy Mr. Duck

Cruising with Dad

Getting awesome new haircuts

Looking fashionable

And not playing fetch very well...

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