Thursday, June 28, 2012

Whatcha reading? Watching?

I like to hear what everyone is reading and watching, to make sure I'm not missing out on the good stuff!  I was very slow on the uptake to The Soprano's, just having watched all 7 Seasons this year!  What an amazing show...the crazy thing was, I never really knew anyone that watched it so didn't have any spoilers to worry about.  It was the best series I've watched in a while.  We've moved on to another organized crime show, The Wire.  Another HBO show.  Seems like everything we watch and enjoy is on either HBO or Showtime!  Game of Thrones, True Blood, Dexter.  The Wire takes place in Baltimore and centers around a (I'm only on Season 3) couple of different inner-city drug dealers.  You watch from both the police and the drug dealers points of view.  Excellent acting and just a very well done show.  Shame there are only 5 Seasons total.  Thanks to HBO Go we can watch many HBO programs at our leisure...I LOVE that about the XBox!

Well, I gave in to the hype, like every other woman on the planet!  I started reading the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy.  I am almost through the 2nd book and haven't been able to put these down.  Could it be written better?  Yes.  Is it a little cheesy at time? Sure is.  Do I love every minute of it?  Uh huh, sure do.  I can't get enough Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele.  It's like Twilight for adults, without all of the vampires and werewolves.  I was pretty shocked at first when I'd read up to Chapter 7 of the first book, and we hadn't even gotten to a kiss yet.  However, when it picks up, it picks up.  If this movie comes out, I can't imagine it could be rated anything less than X!  It's pretty graphic...but, if you're not into that, don't let that stop you.  It also has a plot that moves quickly, and with some substance to go along with it.  It's not Shakespeare, but it WILL entertain  you.  Oh, if you haven't seen this SNL Sketch making fun of Mom's reading yourself a favor and watch that here.  When I'm reading these books, I've certainly already cast my characters as well.  I can't picture anyone other than Ryan Gosling as Christian Grey now...Ana was a little harder.  I picture a younger, innocent, Dawson's Creek era Katie Holmes.  I'm not sure if anyone fits that bill these days.  I don't care who it is, but please don't make it Kristen Stewart!


  1. I was liking when I heard that Ian Somerhalder was going to play Christian! I am a huge Vampire Diaries fan. If you haven't tried it and have Netflix... do yourself a favor! :)

    1. I would be JUST fine w/ Ian Somerhalder too... I watched Season 1 of Vampire Diaries, then just sort of lost interest. I love him in Lost though, too.
