Friday, June 22, 2012

Girl vs. Squirrel, and Updates

Wow!  Been a long time since I posted, so I'm going to do a rapid wrap-up of the last month or so.

1.  Girl vs. Squirrel.  Where to start...oh I know, I hate them.  As someone who unconditionally loves most furry, scaly, non-human creatures these heartless little terrors are now on my "no-fly" list.  They eat my flowers, they dig in my mulch, they scare off my birds, and they move the tarp in our koi pond and cause leaks!  We went the humane route, trapping and releasing.  No go.  We then tried feeding them alternative food so they wouldn't eat the bird seed, or dig in the mulch for food.  Um, fail #2.  Finally....air rifle it is.  Judge me, judge away.  I don't care!  You PETA alums can rest easy though...the current score is Squirrels: 972, Lindsey: 0.

2.  Dad and I attended our 6th Abbey Road on the River this past Memorial Day weekend.  We had a blast, drank some cold brews, and saw some AMAZING music.  We both agreed this was by far the best year yet for band quality.  We rocked until the wee hours of the morning, and braved the scorching heat all in the name of tunes!!!  Since the weather was so perfect, some of the bands ended up performing longer than scheduled and we were lucky enough to hear a version of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody so perfect, I don't know if Queen themselves did better.  It was brilliant!

3.  Jake's 21!  We traveled to Western Kentucky to surprise Michael's little bro Jake, on his 21st birthday.  We enjoyed a PERFECT weather weekend, enjoyed the outdoors, visited with family, and hopefully helped Jake ring in his legal age in style.  We also go to meet Neko, our new "niece".  She is Pat and Ashley's (Michael's sister) new puppy!  She is half husky, half Great Pyrenees, and all cute!!!  She was running the show with the other dogs, and might be part polar bear too.

4.  We're going to be international travelers!  We booked our first trip to Europe for this fall, and I simply can't wait.  I've always wanted to go, passed up an opportunity in college to travel abroad but plan on making up for it!  We'll be spending 14 days in England, France and Belgium.  We have a full itinerary planned and I can't wait to soak up some culture and see some amazing sites!!!!  I'm also open to any and ALL advice/suggestions from folks who have been.  I know some things that top our list are Tower of London, West End Theatre District...a Jack-the-Ripper tour (even if it's cheesy I gotta do it), Palace of Versailles, The Louvre of course, River tour of The Seine, Sacre Couer, tour of the catacombs, Brugge...just to name a few.

I think that's it.  Oh, and thanks Rachel for the motivation :)


  1. Finally got my fix. And it feels so goooooood!
