Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mafia Chickens

That's right.  I said "Mafia Chickens".  You know, fowls who participate in organized crime and such.  I would like to introduce you to The Soprano's.  The Soprano's are 4 Buff Orpington chickens that now reside at the wonderful Stites Farm.  They're comprised of the rooster Carmine, and three hens Carmella, Carlotta and Camille.   They were a gift to Mom from Michael and I on Mother's Day.  She'd been talking about wanting chickens for over a year, and has the perfect place for them, as the previous owner also kept chickens.  (Kept chickens?  Raised chickens?  Had chickens?)  For the first week they will need to remain enclosed, but once they know the routine they'll be free rangers!  Not being the biggest fan of all things avian,  I was a little skeptical but they're actually pretty cool.  All they really do is eat all day...which I can totally appreciate.  A huge thanks to Michael that drove these feathered friends up from Louisville...safely enclosed in Rigby's dog crate.  He said they were quiet as a mouse.

Carmine had been hanging out with humans for a while waiting for his forever home at Fresh Start Growers Supply in downtown Louisville, so he even lets you pet him sometimes!  The girls will eventually come around I'm sure.  We are hoping for chicks and farm fresh eggs at some point and until then Mom will be placing golf balls where she'd like the hens to lay the eggs...apparently this works?  Until then we'll keep speaking in New Jersey accents for them and enjoying the fun.

Here are The Soprano's in action...yes I know it's sideways but I can't figure out how to rotate it so just cock your head - no pun intended!!!  UPDATE:  I fixed it but didn't want to remove my clever pun.  

The Ladies

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