Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Landscaping Project: Complete!

 After a year of working on things off and on, I think we're finally confident that the landscaping project is complete!  Sure, there are more things we want to accomplish in years to come...but for now we're on official hiatus of doing any more for quite a while.  Our backyard oasis is ready to be's come a long way from the jungle it was on move in day!  After ripping out hedges, weeds as tall as me, and lots of blood sweat and tears, we can sit back, relax, and enjoy.  Here are some before and afters to see the dramatic difference!

Here you see the grossness that was move-in day:

And here you see current day fruits of our labor!

Holy overgrowth!

Ahhh...but those bricks were HEAVY.

Weeds as tall as me!

Now beautiful backyard oasis!

Koi pond was a hot mess...

Now it's gorgeous!

Front walkway, barely walkable!

Ahh, much better.  Again though, I can't stress enough that those bricks were HEAVY.

Some new seating for the other part of the deck

This project has been Pete and Rigby approved!

All 7 of our fishy's swimming around with their new water plants.

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