Monday, December 5, 2011

Bargains Bargains Bargains!

I thought my Mom and Stepdad were insane when they started hitting up the auction scene, and hitting it hard.  I think I got my first taste of extreme bargain hunting yesterday when a few uncovered gems made their way into the house.  I wanted something for the library (by library I mean spare bedroom that contains bookshelves) that had character.  I wanted something old, possibly even distressed looking, ideally from the 20s or 30s era.  What I got isn't that old but fit the bill perfectly!  I eyed this old console record player/radio and it was still in amazing condition.  With the exception of needing a new cord this should actually be operational...if I had any vinyl to play on it.  Michael and I dragged this sucker inside in the pouring rain, and it made a great addition to the room!

New console record player

A great auction find!
Vanity seat - pre-reupholstering!
Other super cheap finds from yesterday were a couple of benches.  The foyer has looked pretty barren since we moved in and I couldn't find anything that would be the correct size for it.  I picked up a $19 bench that could stand to be recovered but will do for now. Same goes for the vanity area in the master bedroom.  Around $20 and voila, new seating!  It desperately needs to fabric as the current is a very 1980s looking pastel motif.  It honestly reminds me of the color scheme on The Golden Girls...maybe it was Blanche's.  I threw a nice cream colored throw over it for has nice bones and some ornate wood on the frame. 

Bench in use

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