Monday, July 23, 2012

Sahara Summer, Supernatural Shame Spiral

I don't remember a summer being this hot or arid.  It's brown, it's dry, and it's crusty outside.  Like a burnt grilled cheese sandwich.  Also, I don't remember raking leaves in July which is exactly what we did this past weekend!  At least the grass has somewhat returned to a non-crust state, but my beloved flowers I've babied so much this spring and summer are still looking pretty rough!   The two gigantic tulip poplar trees in our front and back yards are shedding leaves like non-other.  Honestly, it's pretty annoying.

WTF Season 5
Speaking of annoying, what's going on with True Blood these days?  My one time favorite show has turned into a spiral of supernatural mockery.  I mean, I'll still be tuning in for Eric Northman and Jason Stackhouse...but who is writing these plot lines?  Who gave Terry Bellefleur a main story line?  Who is making the decisions at HBO?!  I expect more from Alan Ball having created another fantastic series, Six Feet Under.  I stopped reading the Sookie books after about book 11, in which they really went south. I can't even keep a straight face when the smoke monster that they so obviously ripped off from LOST makes an appearance.  They turned a great, strong, female lead like Sookie was into a character that I really don't even like anymore.  All she does is whine and throw balls of light from her hands.  Sigh.

Tower of London
In other exciting news, only 67 days until we leave for Europe!  But who's counting!  Our list of things we want to do and see just keeps growing and growing.  Is it even possible to perfect a balance between seeing all of the popular sites, and enjoying the true culture of each country?  I know we're going to try!

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