Saturday, January 21, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday Pete!

First week home - a little thinner then- 2009
Happy 4th Birthday to my baby Pete.  I adopted him from a rescue organization in Indy called "From the Heart Rescue" in January of 2009, around his first birthday.  He's been my little partner in crime ever since and I don't know what I'd do without him.  He's came a long way with his fear issues (after coming from an abusive situation) but we still have a ways to go on confidence.  He's a super sweetie to those he feels comfortable around and trusts, and a great little guard dog to those he doesn't.  Happy Birthday to my little "Tiny Dancer" Petey!!!  I love you buddy!

After a fun game of fetch - 2009

"The Most Interesting Dog in the World" - 2010
Pete with his toy on a Fall afternoon 2011
Winter Wardrobe - 2010

Pete doing what he does best, cuddling! - 2012

1 comment:

  1. Love you Petrus Pompanopolis. Even if you do smell like a sewer.
