Monday, December 12, 2011

Hodge Podge

Since winter is a time of hibernation for some of us, it's a great time to catch up on some TV!  What's everybody watching?  We watch way too many TV shows, admittedly.  Our favorites are Dexter, Sons of Anarchy, Boardwalk Empire, The Walking Dead, American Horror Story, and the one I can't wait to return... Game of Thrones! Season two trailer seen here.  Sons of Anarchy completed it's fourth season last week and although I've been hearing disappointment from many Facebook friends, I was pretty satisfied.  It was a "set up" ending which pretty much laid the groundwork for how season five is going to go.  If you haven't seen this show I would highly recommend it.  It's not all about biker gangs...well, ok it is but more about their subculture including terrific characters, intense plots, and complicated story lines.  I was hesitant at first but I was hooked after one episode.  Note though, you must watch from season one - not something you can jump into.

Hanks and Olmos
Dexter... Oh how I love you.  This season is much better than the last, in my opinion.  Season 6 of Dexter is thematically about a couple of religious extremists trying to bring about the "end of days" by performing acts in Revelations.  It guest stars Colin Hanks (son of Tom) and Edward James Olmos.  Both of these actors are playing the parts tremendously and are very convincing as a pair of nutjobs.  Colin Hanks is incredibly creepy and as always Edward James Olmos brings depth to any role he portrays.  Dexter is something if you haven't seen previous seasons you'd be just fine jumping into any of them, as most plots are self contained. 

American Movie Poster
Whatcha reading?   I just finished (finally) the Stieg Larsson trilogy, The Millennium Series.  The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, etc.  The first two of these had me burning through the pages.  The third...not so much.  Overall this series is great with Larsson's portrayal of  social outcast/hacker Lisbeth Salander and in fact I can't wait for the American version of the movie to come out this month!

I'm now onto The Hunger Games.  It's been on my  list for months and I started the first book last week.  So far it's totally worth the hype!  The synopsis is a post apocalyptic North America, now called "Panem" has now transformed into districts after a series of fires, storms, you know, apocalypse stuff.  The "Capitol" as it's referred to, controls these districts and every year as a "tribute" for the districts waging war on the Capitol and being defeated, are a series of gladiator style games where one boy and one girl from each district fight to the death.   I'm about halfway through the book already and can't put it down.

O hai.  Tanks fur dis new bed.
In other news... it's December 12th and I'm officially finished with Christmas shopping!  Everything is wrapped up and under the tree ready to open by their recipient!  I really went all out with the mint theme...not easy as mint stuff isn't always easy to find!  The cats seem to think the Christmas tree is exclusively for them and won't come out from underneath it.  The Duchess Ferguson has made a permanent kitty bed out of one of the gifts... awesome.  Ever try to discipline a cat?  No?  Me neither.  Pretty much an effort in futility. 

13 days til Christmas!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Bargains Bargains Bargains!

I thought my Mom and Stepdad were insane when they started hitting up the auction scene, and hitting it hard.  I think I got my first taste of extreme bargain hunting yesterday when a few uncovered gems made their way into the house.  I wanted something for the library (by library I mean spare bedroom that contains bookshelves) that had character.  I wanted something old, possibly even distressed looking, ideally from the 20s or 30s era.  What I got isn't that old but fit the bill perfectly!  I eyed this old console record player/radio and it was still in amazing condition.  With the exception of needing a new cord this should actually be operational...if I had any vinyl to play on it.  Michael and I dragged this sucker inside in the pouring rain, and it made a great addition to the room!

New console record player

A great auction find!
Vanity seat - pre-reupholstering!
Other super cheap finds from yesterday were a couple of benches.  The foyer has looked pretty barren since we moved in and I couldn't find anything that would be the correct size for it.  I picked up a $19 bench that could stand to be recovered but will do for now. Same goes for the vanity area in the master bedroom.  Around $20 and voila, new seating!  It desperately needs to fabric as the current is a very 1980s looking pastel motif.  It honestly reminds me of the color scheme on The Golden Girls...maybe it was Blanche's.  I threw a nice cream colored throw over it for has nice bones and some ornate wood on the frame. 

Bench in use